Ankle pain

Ankle pain

The ankle joint is the meeting of the bones of the leg and the foot and is responsible for the up and down motion of the foot.

The ankle joint is the meeting of the bones of the leg and the foot and is responsible for the up and down motion of the foot. In popular usage, the ankle is often considered to be the ankle joint plus the surrounding anatomic region, including the lower end of the leg and the start of the flat part of the foot.

Pain in the ankle can result from inflammation or injury to any of the structures in this region, including the bones, joint space, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, or muscles. Ankle Pain can be associated with other symptoms including

1.       Ankle swelling

2.       Bruising

3.       Redness

4.       Numbness or tingling

5.       Instability

6.       Burning pain

7.       Inability to bear weight on the affected ankle

8.       Stiffness

9.       Weakness.

Common causes of Ankle Pain include sprains or injuries. Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, and other types of arthritis can also cause Ankle Pain. Achilles tendonitis is another potential cause.

Symptoms of Arthritis

1.       Ankle swelling

2.       Foot pain

3.       Foot swelling

 Causes of Arthritis

1.       Achilles tendonitis

2.       Nerve damage (neuropathy)

3.       Ruptured tendon

4.       Trauma

5.       Tumors

Treatment for Ankle Pain

Comprehensive treatment for Ankle Pain by Dr. Ravi Shinde, Chiropractor at clinics Mumbai / Thane / Pune

Ankle pain